Category: Digital Marketing

  • Types of Digital Marketing

    Types of Digital Marketing

    Unpaid marketing: Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Search journal has confirmed that up to 51% of website traffic is gained through organic search. In simple terms, organic traffic is equal to SEO. The aim of SEO is to help a company rank on top in SERPs, therefore improving search engine traffic to the company’s site. In…

  • What Is Mobile Marketing In Digital Marketing and Its Top 8 Benefits

    What Is Mobile Marketing In Digital Marketing and Its Top 8 Benefits

    According to reports, the US has 450 million mobile subscribers. And 84.2% of them have internet access on their mobile phones. However, mobile handsets play a huge role in making purchasing decisions. With mobile phones, customers can easily search for nearby businesses, use retail store apps, check prices, buy their favorite products, and also review…

  • What is PPC in Digital Marketing? Everything you Need to Know

    What is PPC in Digital Marketing? Everything you Need to Know

    Out of other forms of digital marketing, Pay per click or PPC is the most established form. Through this digital marketing medium, businesses drive the traffic and conversions from the search engines. PPC is helpful in landing first traffic and sales of new business. Or can be used in growing an already established brand. Moreover,…

  • What is Email Marketing?

    What is Email Marketing?

    Can you guess the number of email users daily across the world? It’s a whopping 4 billion. And the number is expected to reach 4.6 billion by 2025. Some more amazing facts about email marketing are listed below: Around 20% of eCommerce, retail, and consumer goods and services companies are moving towards the personalization of…

  • What Is SEM in Digital Marketing and What are Its Strategies.

    What Is SEM in Digital Marketing and What are Its Strategies.

    Most people are familiar with the concept of advertising. Companies that are designing products or offering services bring it to the customer’s attention via advertisements. Traditionally, the top channels for advertisements were televisions, radio, newspapers, and magazines. Today, however, channels like social media, search engines, emails, websites, and mobile applications have become more popular for…

  • What is PPC in Digital Marketing? Everything you Need to Know

    What is PPC in Digital Marketing? Everything you Need to Know

    Out of other forms of digital marketing, Pay per click or PPC is the most established form. Through this digital marketing medium, businesses drive the traffic and conversions from the search engines. PPC is helpful in landing first traffic and sales of new business. Or can be used in growing an already established brand. Moreover,…

  • What Is Content Marketing in 2022: Types, Benefits & More

    What Is Content Marketing in 2022: Types, Benefits & More

    Wondering what is content marketing? In today’s digital era, content marketing has brought an exciting strategy to an essential marketing powerhouse for almost every business in every industry. Many businesses and industries are skeptical whether content marketing is worth implementing or will it work for their business? The answer always sounds “Yes”. Content marketing is…

  • What Is Digital Marketing and Major 6 Types

    What Is Digital Marketing and Major 6 Types

    Knowing how common the internet is being used today, would you believe me if I told you that the number of people who go online every day is still increasing? It is. Indeed Pew Research confirms that the usage of the internet among users has improved by 5% in just the last three years. However,…